Welcome to Govt. ITI Belthangady

Govt. ITI Belthangady is located near MadantyarBelthangadyTaluk, Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka state. This ITI is started in the year 1997 and imparting Vocational training in Fitter & MRAC trade at present & affiliated to DGET New Delhi vide Permanent affiliation No: DGET-6/10/2/2000-TC W.e.f. Aug-1999.


At present ITI is running in a Govt. Higher primary school building. Under Nabard RIDF-XIX scheme 150 Lakhs has been released in 2013 for the construction of own building.

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Facility to train the trainees in 2 trades of MRAC & Fitter.
MRAC 32+10=42
Fitter 32+10=42
Total of 84 candidates.

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Admission Criteria

Admission is generally being done in the month of May/June every year. Admission is done through on line on the basis of reservation cum merit. IMCquota of 5 seats was allotted in each MRAC and Fitter trade every year. For admission you may log on to…
1. Emptrg.kar.nic.in
2. Detkarnataka.org.in

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